All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 78 in total
E14 Jung's Answer to Job with Paul Bishop
"The six million dollar question is, what is this God that Jung is talking about? What is Yahweh? In effect, he's putting Yahweh on the couch. That's the entire geniu...
Interlude: Church music † 2029
Church music 2029. A musical interlude by The Psychia†ry. 1. Move into our own - Nicole Mitchell 2. This and that and the other - African Head Charge 3. The carnival o...
"I have no quarrel with Christianity. I have lots of quarrel with how its presented." | Robert A Johnson
This is a sample of a video recording with Jungian Analyst Robert A. Johnson (May 26, 1921 – September 12, 2018) author of books such as Owning Your Own Shadow: Unders...
Summary of season 2 of 'Secular Christ' & Q&A with Sean McGrath
Edited recording of live Q&A and summary of season 2 of Secular Christ with Sean J McGrath.
S2E5 The razor's edge of contemplative Christianity
What's the point of a Christian community? Why is community important for a contemporary contemplative Christian? In the final episode of the second season of Secular ...
S2E4 A letter to a young contemplative
Sean McGrath received an email from a young person who has been listening to Secular Christ asking: How can I keep growing spiritually through the Christ image, any wo...
S2E3 The self that cannot help itself
In the third episode, McGrath takes on the self-help industry and how its ideological spokespersons such as Jordan B. Peterson misses the point of grace and self-trans...
S2E2 Perverse Christianity and its remedy
McGrath examines how 2000 years of Christianity is a part of the problem and is accelerating a perversion as well as the possible remedy, by finding back to a more aut...
S2E1 Secular Christ season 2 | A sermon for the New age
Canadian Philosophy and Theology professor and former Catholic Monk Dr. Sean J. McGrath examine how to practice contemplative Christianity in the secular age.
C.S. Lewis & The Numinous
An audio clip from CS Lewis’ The Problem of Pain’, in which he explains Rudolf Otto’s classic work, The Idea of the Holy.
E13x Provisional names with Donald Carveth & Sean McGrath
This is extra material to Episode 13 about making conscience conscious with Donald Carveth and Sean McGrath.
E13 Making conscience conscious: A conversation with Donald Carveth & Sean McGrath
What’s the role of conscience, ethics, and morals in psychological development and individuation?
E12x Letters between Julius Spier & Etty Hillesum and exclusive essay
Extra material about the relationship between Jungian hand reader Julius Spier and Etty Hillesum.
E12 The Jungian hand reader Julius Spier with Alexandra Nagel
“Julius Spier is a hand reader, and hand reading in itself is looked down upon, dismissed, forgotten, ignored by regular science. Jungians have not paid attention to J...
E11 Wrestling with Christ: Roundtable Discussion with Murray Stein, Ann Conrad Lammers, and Paul Bishop
A bit more than a year into this podcast series, it felt like a good time to stop and reflect more deeply on Jung’s wrestle with Christianity, and how it is still rele...
Letters between C.G Jung and theologian Adolf Keller
Read excerpts from the letter correspondence between C.G Jung and Protestant theologian and Pastoral psychologist Adolf Keller.
E10 Participatio Christi: C.G Jung & Adolf Keller with Pastor Kenneth Kovacs
In this episode, I speak to the pastor, theologian, and Jungian analyst in-training Kenneth Kovacs. The conversation circles around the correspondence between C.G Jung...
A letter to Sigmund Freud from C.G Jung 1910: An early vision for psychoanalysis
Jung's early vision for psychoanalysis as described in a 1910 letter to Sigmund Freud
E9 Jesus was the first psychoanalyst with Donald Carveth
“Jesus was the first psychoanalyst. The most brilliant psychoanalyst of all time. The whole theory of projection is right there. Why do you complain about a mote in y...
E8 Religious but not religious with Jason E. Smith
I think so much of Jung's work is his wrestling with Christianity. I think if you want to understand Jung, you need to have some understanding and engagement with Chri...
S8 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | Antichrist & Climate change
In this episode, Sean McGrath continues his conversation with Jungian Analyst Jakob Lusensky, in seeking the secular Christ.
S7 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | The Christ virus
In this episode, Sean McGrath returns to some of the questions we initially asked in this podcast.
S6 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | How to practice contemplative Christianity?
How to practice contemplative Christianity? In this episode of Secular Christ, McGrath makes it clear that there are no (Jordan B Peterson) rules for life needed, but ...
S5 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | Richard Rohr and the rediscovery of contemplative Christianity
In the fifth episode of Secular Christ, Philosophy and Theology professor, Sean J McGrath continues his seeking for Christ in the Secular Age. His starting point this ...
S4 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | The gnostic Slavoj Žižek
Sean McGrath continues his seeking for Christ in the Secular Age. This time his "case study" is the Slovenian philosopher and Lacanian, Slavoj Žižek.McGrath views Žiže...
S3 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | A critique of Jordan B Peterson
In this episode Philosophy and Theology professor, Sean McGrath offers a critique of Jordan B Peterson’s archetypal take on Christianity. McGrath sees his fellow Canad...
S2 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | Religion as consumer product
In the second episode of the new podcast Secular Christ, Sean McGrath helps us to make a necessary distinction between naive versus mature secularism. He describes wha...
S1 Secular Christ | New podcast series with Sean McGrath
In this our first episode of the new podcast Secular Christ, Philosophy and Theology professor and former Catholic monk Sean J McGrath lays the foundation for our sear...
New podcast: Secular Christ with Sean McGrath (Trailer)
This is a trailer for the new podcast with Dr Sean McGrath seeking for Secular Christ.
An enormous turd: Jung's vision at the Basel Cathedral
Jung's description of his schoolboy vision of God landing an enormous turd on the Basel Cathedral. The excerpts are from the biography 'Memories, dreams and reflection...