E13 Making conscience conscious: A conversation with Donald Carveth & Sean McGrath

What’s the role of conscience, ethics, and morals in psychological development and individuation?
“Somewhere Jung says that the only evil is unconsciousness  and this, I think touches to your work Don, that this growth in consciousness, which psychoanalysis aims towards, has to be understood as a moral drive towards  the good.”

Episode description:

What’s the role of conscience, ethics, and morals in psychological development and individuation? To investigate this question we invited again the Toronto-based psychoanalyst Donald Carveth (Episode 12) and Philosophy & Theology professor Sean McGrath (Episode 3) for a conversation. As a base for our discussion, we have read the important 1958 Jung essay ‘A psychological view of conscience’. 

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Donald Carveth is the author of the book "The still small voice: Psychoanalytic reflections on guilt and conscience” (Routledge, 2013). He runs a popular Youtube channel on psychoanalysis and also make some of his readings available on his website https://www.doncarveth.com/

Sean McGrath is a  Canadian philosopher and Professor of Philosophy at Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is known for his published work in the history of philosophy and the philosophy of religion. Major single-authored works includes for example 'The Dark Ground of Spirit: Schelling and the unconscious'. There is also a separate podcast series, Secular Christ where Jakob Lusensky discusses questions related to Christianity today.

Jakob Lusensky is a Jungian psychoanalyst with a private practice in Berlin and the host of this podcast.

Music played in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org: "Falling Angels" and "Golden teacher" by Ketsa.

E13 Making conscience conscious: A conversation with Donald Carveth & Sean McGrath
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