E12x Letters between Julius Spier & Etty Hillesum and exclusive essay
Extra material about the relationship between Jungian hand reader Julius Spier and Etty Hillesum.
For those of you who listened to the last episode of Psychology & The Cross and got interested in learning more about Julius Spier and Etty Hillesum, we’re now making a previously unreleased essay by Alexandra Nagel available on our new Substack account.
The essay is titled Julius Spier read the Bible for guidance (Etty Hillesum followed him) and outlines how reading the Bible and Christian writers influenced the spirituality of Spier and then of course also Etty Hillesum.
In addition, here are two letters were written between Julius Spier and Etty Hillesum, the first one from Spier, sent on the 12th of August 1941.
Thank you to Wolfgang Heine and Barbara Morrill for the readings of the letters.
Thank you to Wolfgang Heine and Barbara Morrill for the readings of the letters.
Music played in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org: Ketsa - Crystal life.