S7 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | The Christ virus

In this episode, Sean McGrath returns to some of the questions we initially asked in this podcast.
"What we're talking about in the Christ is something that actually doesn't naturally belong in this world. It is experienced as infection in a certain way, but it's the infection that brings life and hope and new forms of community."

In this episode, Sean McGrath returns to some of the questions we initially asked in this podcast. In what way is Christ a secular figure? What is the Church in the secular age? What can anti-Christ teach us when seeking Christ in the secular world? This leads us to a closer look at how consumerism is twisting our longings for faith, hope, and love into its opposite.

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McGrath discusses these themes together with Berlin-based psychoanalyst Jakob Lusensky.

Music in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org. Artist. Xylo-Ziko - Unguja.
S7 Secular Christ with Sean McGrath | The Christ virus
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